DB10: The Civil War

Discussion Topic


For discussion this week read the attached pdf’s “A Nation Reacts to John Brown’s Raid” and “Editorials on Dred Scott,” and address how differently northern and southern newspapers treated both events. What kinds of arguments emerge in the readings? Do you see consistent regional strains of thought in the readings?


14 – Editorials on the Dred Scott.pdf


14- A Nation Reacts to John Brown’s Raid.pdf



As with every discussion board, you need to post early and often. Your initial post should be written in paragraph form (minimum 6-8 sentences) and needs to be posted by Thursday of this week.   Each week for your initial post, start a “new thread” by typing into the “Type a response” box below This means you each should have your own thread for me to evaluate.


The initial post must incorporate the assigned primary source readings, usually in form of a direct quote (that is cited). A good format (unless it is a historical conversation prompt) is: 1) argumentative topic sentence, 2) direct quote, 3-4) analysis/explanation, 5) direct quote, 6-7) analysis/explanation.


THEN you need to reply to two classmates in a substantive historical conversation by Saturday Night, 11:59pm. Each week’s discussion is graded at 100 points. You will earn seventy points (70) for a substantive initial post, fifteen (15) additional points for a subsequent post engaging the discussion with classmates, and a final fifteen (15) points for a second engagement with your classmates on the topic. While each week is worth 100 points, combined, the discussion board grade is weighted 35% of the overall grade.


Response post means moving beyond just “I like this” or “I agree with what you said.” Instead, you need to engage your classmates in a historical conversation in dialog with your classmates (see 3Cs/Q below). If you do not participate meaningfully at the very best, you will earn a C. All posts must be written in complete sentences and properly punctuated. Moreover, posts must productively engage the discussion as it unfolds, while remaining mindful of the week’s topic. You should bring in additional information/examples from the weeks readings or from modern examples.


If you do not regularly post to the discussion board in a focused and substantive manner, you will receive a low grade. Any student who makes a habit of posting hostile or inappropriate comments to the board will receive an “F” for the participation grade or entire class




Initial Post

Evaluation based on: Answer must have a clear, solid argument, incorporate the assigned readings as evidential examples, and be substantive (have analysis and fulfill assignment – i.e. correct number of sentences)

Response Posts:

Response posts need to be substantive, more than merely “I like what you said” or “I fully agree.” Rather, you need to Make a Connection with something they said (to modern day, your life, or something else in the readings), add a New Insight, and/or offer a Polite Challenge by offering a new example or interpretation.